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This super easy, refreshing side is one of my favorites – my grandmother made it often. I made it today, to use a few “extra” cucumbers I had around…

Creamy Cucumber and Onion and Salad

two medium cucumbers, peeled and sliced 1/4″ thick

one small onion, sliced thinly (a vidalia or other sweet onion would have been best, but I used a yellow onion today)

four tablespoons mayonnaise

one tablespoon apple cider vinegar

one tablespoon white sugar

Mix the last three ingredients for as a dressing and then mix gently with the onion and cucumber — refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to allow flavors to blend.

This made two cups, or four 1/2 cup servings at about 100 calories each — it could be made lighter, by using a low-fat mayonnaise.